Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

There has been a lot of coverage of Heidi Montag's plethora of plastic surgeries in the news recently, as she just publicly revealed the results of her latest procedure which included approximately 10 augmentations. We all know how classy Heidi and Spencer can be with their publicity (not) but this is really the first time I had ever paid attention to anything Heidi/Spencer related. I usually dismiss anything related to The Hills in general, as I've never seen the show, dont know who any of the people on it are, what they're famous for, or why the hell anyone gives a crap. But this situation with Heidi has gotten entirely out of control.

Details of Heidi's most recent plastic surgeries in People Magazine
As you can see, she looks like a completely different person. Apparently the woman on the left is an Ugly Duckling. Hmmm...

It's safe to say that Heidi has a lot of very deeply rooted self-esteem issues and has succumbed to the influence of the entertainment industry in terms of pursuing a perfect appearance at all costs. She explains her quest for 'perfection' in People Magazine by saying, "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a "Jay Leno chin"; they'd circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, "Whoa! That's me!" I was an ugly duckling before."

So obviously Heidi really lets the opinions of others define how she feels about herself and has taken the necessary steps to rectify her 'ugly duckling' appearance and please those who criticize her. Think about that, she had plastic surgery to placate the people who made fun of her under the guise that she always felt she was an ugly duckling. Now she sees the 'real her' in the mirror. Uh huh. This whole situation is totally twisted and really reveals, more than ever, the fact that Heidi is definitely not the brightest bulb in the box. I feel so sorry for her. When your entire career is based on nothing (being on a dumb scripted reality television show and having no talent) and all you have is your looks and reputation to go on, being criticized by others for the only things that are ever going to get you anywhere in the business must be heartbreaking. And will obviously lead you to take drastic measures. But having huge melons and a smaller chin doesn't take away the fact that you still have nothing interesting to say and still have no talent. Sad. At least you have Spencer, who's a real gem of a hubby, I'm sure.

Heidi Montag in 2007 before any surgery. Beautiful girl.

Two months after having a complete plastic surgery makeover.

She slightly resembles Holly Madison (pictured above), in my opinion. Co-incidence that one of Heidi's reasons for the surgeries was her goal to appear in Playboy Magazine? Probably not.

And finally a side-by-side of Heidi from no surgery till now. Scary.

This is important to think about in terms of claiming our identities as our own because Heidi obviously lacks the strength, self-esteem, and personal regard for her individuality (among other things) to resist the pressures of the entertainment industry. She has let her career completely eclipse her identity, to the point where she underwent elective surgery to re-create an identity she felt would be more pleasing to those who may judge her. She has literally become a completely different person in the pursuit of 'perfection.' I would have personally recommended that she should have spent that time, money and effort on a divorce, a better PR agent, and some dance/singing lessons. But...maybe that's just me. Judge for yourself.

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