Monday, January 4, 2010

Favorite Links Added

I added a list of some great links I've come across over the past few years. Check em' out and read up!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I am so excited to start this blog finally! I just finished my last semester of school at California State University Northridge and finally have some free time to write for fun! I'll start with some background information about me, why I started this blog, what interests me and what is in store for the future.
I started this blog because I think it's so important to always be thinking and analyzing our circumstances critically and to be able to talk about how we feel, what we think and what we hope for. The lens through which I see the world has been tinted by many experiences and I will share my perspective on a variety of topics in this blog.
I graduated with a degree in Communication Studies, which is basically all about the sharing of symbols and symbol systems, to be very vague. It's a field influenced by many other disciplines like sociology, anthropology, linguistics, rhetoric and philosophy, to name a few. The area that I am especially interested in applying my knowledge of communication processes to is Gender and Womens Studies. I graduated just a few units short of a Minor in Gender and Womens Studies and greatly regret not having planned well enough in advance to have completed it. None the less, this blog is a place for me to continue to learn more about these subjects, to relate the knowledge I gained in school to my real world experiences, and to share my thoughts with other people interested in the subjects of gender in the media and popular culture, social and cultural reality, and gender and sexual identity.
I look forward to being able to write more often and will be going over some topics for future posts in the next week. I have so much to talk about! I also need to start reading other stuff thats out there and making friends in the blogosphere to get more readers!